Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

As we work towards our aspirational vision for a future where Equity Leads Education, ku娱乐游戏平台必须把公平和包容作为思维习惯灌输到ku娱乐游戏平台的社会风气中, as well as commit to the daily, uncompromising, and ongoing work it will take to bring about meaningful, measurable, and sustainable change.

We acknowledge that Marlborough is a 130-year old, predominantly white institution, 不仅建立在实力和学术卓越的基础上,而且建立在与不公正和秘密不可否认的共存基础上. ku娱乐游戏平台通过公开和诚实地为这些错误承担责任来消灭这种共存, celebrating all that is right, 共同前进——进入一个真正公平的环境.

ku娱乐游戏平台邀请您通过反种族主义的总体视角,深入了解已经取得的进展和正在开展的工作——包括眼前的变化和ku娱乐游戏平台将继续做出的长期努力——ku娱乐游戏平台必须将这一视角注入每个教室, conversation, program, and process. This is a fluid document that we will continue to update.

Admissions & Enrollment

在马尔堡,公平的学生体验从录取开始, first in our recruitment, 并贯穿ku娱乐游戏平台申请和注册过程的每一步.

This year, ku娱乐游戏平台作出了重要决定,取消这一进程中的一个步骤,ku娱乐游戏平台认为这个步骤历来在多个层面上造成了不平等. Since the 2020-2021 school year, ku真人手机版不接受ISEE或SSAT标准化考试作为入学标准. For more information about this decision, please click here.

了解更多ku娱乐游戏平台如何处理招生和欢迎未来的家庭到ku娱乐游戏平台的社区下面, and visit the Admissions section of our website for more detail on the process. 


真正卓越的教育意味着提供一个能让所有学生在课程中看到自己的课程. By embedding intellectual inquiry related to race, ethnicity, class, gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation throughout, we aim to place all students’ voices at the heart of our work. In the classroom, this applies not only to the information we teach, but how we teach it, 以及ku娱乐游戏平台如何通过公平的视角来指导和评分实践.

作为学校努力提供既准确又不带偏见的评估和反馈的一部分, 马尔堡一直在研究在整个课程中采用更精确的数学评分标准的方法. To that end, ku娱乐游戏平台有一群早期的教师在课堂上探索和实施以掌握为基础的教育实践. 这些实践包括使用清晰的学习目标和成功标准, grading practices that focus on the level of student understanding, rather than behavior, 并鼓励学生参与再学习-再评估的循环,以优化他们对课程材料的掌握.

Explore our full Course of Study,并在这里了解更多ku娱乐游戏平台在这些主题领域的最新和正在进行的努力:

Student Support

作为一所致力于为学生提供安全和支持性学习和领导环境的学校, we must acknowledge the harm, both within and outside our community, that our students in marginalized groups—including BIPOC, gender non-conforming, and those from low socio-economic families —experience, 并通过为所有学生提供应对这些事件的工具来支持他们, effective and safe avenues for sharing their experiences, and a clear and fair process for deciding, implementing, 并在ku娱乐游戏平台的社区中传达人际种族主义的后果.

Learn more about how we are supporting our students in this realm:

Statement on Gender Diversity

Established in 1889, ku真人手机版继续为女孩提供无与伦比的教育机会, empowering them to live lives of purpose. As a premier educational institution, ku真人手机版鼓励学生培养批判性和创造性思维能力, equipping each girl to become an agent of change. Aligned with our mission and long-standing history, Marlborough maintains its identity as a girls' school. 

We recognize adolescence as a time of transformative self-discovery, 这是一个与发展相适应的时期,适合探索身份的许多方面, including gender. ku真人手机版始终致力于培养学生身份的各个方面,同时坚持以女孩为中心的教育. 马尔堡欢迎那些不再认为自己是女生的在校生,只要她们与学校保持一致. As with any student, regardless of gender identity, ku真人手机版学校将根据每个家庭的具体情况,以确定ku娱乐游戏平台的学校是否能提供最好的社区和学习环境,让学生茁壮成长. 

这一声明反映了近十年来ku真人手机版受托人的深思熟虑, administration, and experts in the fields of psychology and child development. 自1889年以来,ku娱乐游戏平台一直致力于制定学术标准, 位于不断发展的教育景观的最前沿. ku娱乐游戏平台不断创新,同时秉承ku真人手机版的使命,为女孩服务,创造一个公平主导教育的世界. 

Employee Recruitment, Retention & Development

ku娱乐游戏平台努力实施反映ku娱乐游戏平台招聘承诺的做法, retaining, and developing exceptional and innovative faculty and staff 谁反映了ku娱乐游戏平台城市丰富的历史和文化,谁致力于整个学生体验. 
