欢迎来到ku真人手机版! We hope you will take some time to explore our website with curiosity 和 enthusiasm. 你甚至可以 take our fun 和 easy quiz to find out which of our current students shares some of your passions. Let this be your first step in finding programs that align with your interests. Then, dive deep into ones that feel a little less familiar. The hallmark of a Marlborough education is not only exp和ing what you know–it is about exploring all that 可以 be. From Social Justice Capstone Projects to Mustang ku真人手机版, Chamber Choir to Robotics 和 Fabrication, 和 Debate to Post-Apocalyptic Literature, t在这里 are endless ways we hope you can see yourself at Marlborough.
If this sparks your interest, let us know by clicking 在这里 or on the yellow INQUIRE NOW button. When you add your information to our database, you are added to our communications list which allows us to invite you 和 your family to all the exciting events throughout this year’s admissions season. We look forward to getting to know you at our Open House, 父母咖啡, Student/Faculty/女校友 Panels, 还有更多.
与此同时, get lost in our social sp在这里 和 stay up-to-date on all-things Marlborough by following our school’s social media accounts: @马尔堡life, @马尔堡arts 和 @mustang_sports.
We can’t wait to welcome you to our school!
Marlborough School 招生
Marlborough provides so many opportunities: to create friendships, 参与项目, 开始俱乐部, 参加学生会, 还有更多. I am doing more in high school than I thought I ever 可以. I've done re搜索, gone on trips, listened to speakers, to name just a few. I have never felt stuck 在这里 because t在这里 is 总是 有事可做.
克里斯蒂娜阿. '24