Health & Wellness
Through participation in a variety of activities, 学生们逐渐认识到经常锻炼的重要性, first aid, 和行为模式,将导致健康的生活方式, reduced stress, illness prevention, and overall fitness.
ku娱乐游戏平台的螺旋式健康和保健课程在七年级时为学生介绍自我保健的重要性奠定了基础, identity, injury and illness prevention, and sexual wellness. During 9th grade, 课程扩展到心理和情感健康, substance use and abuse, sexuality and reproductive health, as well as nutrition. Additionally, a movement component is woven into the class, co-taught with physical education instructors, 让学生有机会设定运动目标和养成健康的习惯. The curriculum culminates in the 11th grade year, 当学生在自定进度的混合学习模式下完成独立项目时. 这一学期的课程与自卫课程共享, 教学生预防和保护的综合技能.
In addition to the health curriculum, students also have access to Myra Mercado, School Nurse and Campus Healthcare Provider. Ms. 梅尔卡多是ku娱乐游戏平台传染病的主要资源, provides first aid, 就可能影响学生学习经历的具体健康问题向学生进行咨询.
Education and Counseling Services
Advisory Program
At Marlborough, ku娱乐游戏平台鼓励学生在彼此之间以及与生活中的成年人建立有意义的关系.
To this end, 学生被安排到咨询小组,并在他们的整个时间在中学部门的顾问, 然后在高中的整个时间里轮转到一个新的小组.
In addition to relationship building, 咨询课程力求培养学生的社会意识, emotional, 通过发展健康有效的生活技能,如反骚扰技能,实现认知发展, self-awareness, self-management, social-awareness, healthy relationship skills, 以及在现实和虚拟世界中全面深思熟虑的决策.