Social Justice and Community Partnerships

At Marlborough, we inspire young women to become change agents. 通过帮助他们与符合他们的激情和技能的问题和组织联系起来, students learn how to make a lasting, meaningful difference in the world around them. Along the way they build greater empathy, a deeper understanding of important social justice and human rights concerns, 他们知道自己有能力也有责任用自己的声音来服务和支持他人.

ku娱乐游戏平台有两名全职员工,他们领导着由学生推动的工作,并将其融入ku娱乐游戏平台的课程和咨询项目中, 社会正义及社区伙伴关系部的工作原则如下:

Violets Giving Circle

Violets’ Giving Circle (VGC) is a student-initiated, 捐助建议慈善组织,致力于促进洛杉矶地区贫困妇女和女孩的教育机会.

Our board consists entirely of Marlborough juniors and seniors, 为会员提供领导机会,同时使整个社会受惠.

ku娱乐游戏平台的目标是在倡导社区的同时学习慈善事业的实践. ku娱乐游戏平台仔细审查拨款提案,并进行实地考察,以便将ku娱乐游戏平台筹集的资金分配给ku娱乐游戏平台认为符合ku娱乐游戏平台使命宣言的组织.

Through corporate sponsorship, private donations, and school wide fundraisers VGC has donated over $200,000 to organizations supporting underprivileged women and girls in Los Angeles.

ku娱乐游戏平台的主要筹款活动是每两年举办一次时装表演,以筹集资金在授予年度捐赠. ku娱乐游戏平台的时装表演包括学生设计,无声和现场拍卖,以及当地供应商.


请收听《ku真人手机版》第五集,了解该部门提供的各种项目和机会 Marlborough: Learning Together at a Distance podcast where Dr. Atwell,  Dean of Student Re搜索, talks with Ms. Wright, Dean of Social Justince, and Mr. Espinoza, Community Partnership Program Head. 

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